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Diamond Pearl Jones


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 Diamond Pearl Jones Diamond Pearl Jones (Tenisha/ Stage Manager/ Associate Producer). Diamond (@diamondpearljones) is a 22 year old artist born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Shortly after graduating from the infamous LaGuardia High School, where she was heavily involved in extracurriculars and student leadership (like directing the school’s gospel choir and presiding over the Black student union), she was casted as the title role in Theatre of War’s production of “Antigone in Ferguson” for a 50 show run in Brooklyn, NY.

Diamond currently works as a paraprofessional in the Department of Education, engaging her love and passion for the youth. Her acts of service include helping organize the music in her church and caring for her elderly grandparents. Along with performing in theater, Diamond is a talented musician and aspiring recording artist, as well as a gifted seamstress with her own up and coming clothing line (@dipejo). This is her second time performing in Whose Side Are You On, and hopefully won’t be the last!

The Road You Take Will Seal Your Fate
Be Wise About The Choice you make

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